Hey there! This is Joe Trader from Pratfolios.com, and have we got a deal for you! But first let me say right off the bat that I just LOVE your work! Inspiring, world-class images, perfect for our top corporate, agency and editorial customers; any chance you may be looking to add some new high-end accounts this year?
You say you’re busy? Well don’t worry about that – busy is good, we just want to help you keep those big bucks flowing in!!! Or whatever it is you Limeys use.
So what can you do for me today, you ask? Well my friend, it’s more a case of what I can do for you. As I’m sure you already know, Pratfolios.com cold-calls and spams more photographers on more internet lists than any other photo portal. Other portals expect photographers to come to them: we come chasing after you. What does THAT tell you?
And that’s not all. Those cold calls generate lots of list traffic from your fellow professionals, all enthusing about their total lack of assignments through Pratfolios.com. In fact our surveys show that every single one of your EPUK colleagues who’ve partnered with us haven’t gained any assignments through Pratfolios.com!
And you can’t beat 100%!
sqweegee.com – bitchin’ images with bite!
But that’s just the beginning. Pratfolios.com is the only photographers showcase to feature a tasteful puke green design, a talking cartoon receptionist with an annoying accent and funky lounge music. Just the classy image to get those high-end accounts from London/Lands End/Knobend. And our Pratfolios.com Partner Network will connect you to clients you’ve never heard of with budgets you won’t believe.
Believe me Sqweegee, you are ideal for our top-shelf buyers!!! Even if you only have room for a couple of new accounts per year, this will still be very worthwhile for us and ultimately bleed you dry. Normally new partners are offered our usual mug punter rate. But because we’re eager to milk you for all you’re worth we can offer our special carpetbagger rates: just call for details and save big $$$!!!
You have stunning work my friend and are truly ideal for the top-shelf customers regularly utilizing our platform. So if you’re looking for those high-end accounts in Belfast/Begorrah/Ballygobackwards, just call me and let’s talk!
And talk, and talk, and talk…