EPUK Editorial Photographers United Kingdom and Ireland. The private mailing list and public resource for editorial photographers

Reuters' schoolboy error

Global information provider Reuters made a titanic mistake by supplying the wrong images to accompany a story reports the Guardian.

Global information provider Reuters made a titanic mistake by supplying the wrong images to accompany a story reports the Guardian.

Papers around the globe ran a story about Russia planting its flag on the North Pole, using Reuters-supplied images apparently showing Russian submersibles on the North Pole seabed.

As it turns out, those images were actually stills from James Cameron’s 1997 movie Titanic.

A 13-year-old Finnish schoolboy uncovered the error when he contacted his local newspaper to tell them that the photo looked identical to an image of two Finnish-made Mir submersibles that appeared in one of Titanic’s wreckage scenes.

Reuters has since apologized and said that it borrowed “the images from Russian state television channel RTR and wrongly captioned them as file footage originating from the Arctic”.

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