Notes are being passed, articles copied and translated and Le Monde is doing 3 articles in 3 days on the fiasco (includuing a full page). I’ve been approached by British and German journalists wanting info on what’s happening.
I heard one of the Visa organizers photocopied the articles on Corbis from EPUK’s web site (1,000 copies) and they will start to distribute them. Jean Francois seems to be loving the debate and encouraging it. I only hope Corbis won’t hide from this and will come out and confront the issues being talked about.
Everywhere you go Corbis is the main topic of conversation but they still aren’t even in their office – I’m worried they may not be willing to talk about anything substantial. I will wait and see. The press conference is still off but I heard they have a ‘private’ luncheon with the press planned – I wonder how many photographers will be invited?
Confusion seems to be raining here in Perpignan and Corbis looks like a headless company at the moment with no one here to speak for them.
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