EPUK Editorial Photographers United Kingdom and Ireland. The private mailing list and public resource for editorial photographers

Redunderific: Colorific write to contributors

27 June 2001 - EPUK

Getty-owned Colorific to stop stock and travel images: we reproduce the letter sent to contributors below

Dear …......................

June 2001

Changes at Colorific

Thank you for your patience while Getty Images made several important decisions regarding Colorific. With the goal of sustaining mutually beneficial and profitable relationships with Colorific photographers, we are writing to let you know about our decisions and plans.

As you know, Getty Images acquired Colorific, as part of the VCG Group, in March 2000 and although there has been some re-organization within the group, Colorific to date has been largely unaffected.

However, 2001 sees significant developments for Getty Images in the area of re-branding and upon examining the News & Entertainment brands – of which Colorific is an integral part, a number of conflicting content issues are being addressed. As a result, Colorific will cease a number of its third party relationships and will also cease to be a resource for stock and travel images.

This decision means that the images you have supplied for the Colorific stock and travel files will regretfully be returned to you. If you have also supplied feature sets and personality images to Colorific, these will be unaffected and we wish to continue to work with you and represent these pictures to Getty Images’ worldwide customers.

We would appreciate your acknowledgement of this letter as soon as possible, along with details of where your travel and or stock should be sent and any other current contact details. Please notify us if there are any dates when you will not be available to receive your images. Also, please bear in mind that you may not receive all your material in one package because our clients are still returning pictures.

If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Jenny Quiggin on 020 8685 6206 jenny.quiggin@getty-images.com. Jenny has extensive experience with photographer submissions and managing the Colorific stock files.

Lastly, on behalf of the Colorific team and myself I would like to thank you for your collaboration over the years. It has been a pleasure to work with your material and we wish you the very best for the future.

Yours sincerely

David Leverton
Colorific, Director of Sales

Anthony Harris
Director of Artist Relations

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