Professional Organisations
Association of Photographers
The AOP campaigs on copyright, promotes best practice through information sharing, markets members' work and provides networking opportunities, including the AOP Photography Awards.
British Association of Journalists
The BAJ are a UK trade union for journalists that offers a 24 hour legal helpline, legal help with employment problems and copyright, personal injury insurance, a tax helpline, the UK Press card and free student membership.
British Press Photographers Organisation
The BPPA is an advocacy and professional organisation run by press photographers for press photographers. Also a National Press Card issuer.
Chartered Institute for Journalists
The CIoJ is the oldest professional body for journalists in the world, combining the role of trade union with promotion of ethical standards, the protection of journalistic freedom, training and charitable work, A UK press card issuer.
Designer & Artists Copyright Society
DACS is probably best known among photographers for its annual Payback of secondary licensing fees
National Union of Journalists
The largest and oldest UK trade union for professional journalists, the NUJ represents members within newspapers and agencies, broadcasting, magazines, freelances, books, PR, new media and students. A UK Press Card issuer.
Statutory and Law
Copyright & Related Rights Regulations 2003
Amendments to the 1988 CD&PA regarding metadata
Intellectual Property Office
The IPO is a prolific generator of consultations and is the government body responsible for intellectual property (IP) rights including patents, designs, trade marks and copyright.
IPO Guidance on 2014 changes to copyright
Guidance notes on changes to copyright law, especially Fair Dealing, that were enacted in the 2013 Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act.
IPO Guidance on Orphan Works
Guidance on Orphan Works licensing introduced by the 2013 Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act
Late Payment of Commercial Debt Act 1998
The LPCDA allows penalties and interest to be charged by small businesses to late paying clients
The 1988 Copyright Designs and Patents Act
The 1988 CD&PA is the basis of all existing copyright law in the UK, albeit amended by subsequent statutes and statutory instruments.
Online Information
Artists Bill of Rights
The Artists' Bill of Rights campaign promotes the adoption of a set of ethical standards for competitions and appeals to which creative works are submitted.
Copyright for Clients
This AOP guide explains licensing and best practice for clients who need to understand the photography market.
Google Search by Image
Google's reverse image search is a prime means of discovering copyright infringements on the public web.
NUJ Freelance Fees Guide
The Fees guide presents pricing information for every type of creative work across different media sectors.
Plus Registry
The non-profit Plus registry is developing a global ecosystem for images and associated metadata that will help protect photos from infringement and orphaning.
The ABCD of Copyright
A free primer on copyright to download as a PDF.
Wayback Machine
Infringers often remove images at the first sign of trouble. The Wayback Machine, or Web Archive, often contains evidence of when infringement occurred.
Legal Assistance
ImageRights is an infringement discovery and claim management service able to take legal action in most countries. Cost is subscription to protect various numbers of images, plus a no-win-no-fee commission on settlements achieved
Image Witness is an effective infringement-discovery and reporting service for photographers. Requires paid subscription. Pursuit of infringers is left for photographers to pursue, with no commission payable.
Intellectual Property Enterprise Court
IPEC is the division of the Patent Court that deals with legal cases involving copyright infringement, for which a Fast Track procedure is available for claims up to £10,000.
Intellectual Property Protection
IPP provide Photographers with a free consultation and seek to recover any loss incurred due to the copyright misuse of a Photographer’s work for a fixed percentage of any monies recovered. Used and recommended by many EPUK members.
Mayo Wynne Baxter LLP
MWB offer a team of IP solicitors including Scott Gair who is himself a semi-pro photographer and copyright specialist.
US Copyright Office
The USCO operates a copyright registry that enables statutory damages of up to $120,000 per infringement claim. Used by many UK photographers to protect their work in the USA market.
Waterfront Solicitors LLP
Waterfront are specialist IP lawyers based in London. Free initial consultation. Piers Strickland has a special interest in photographic copyright.