EPUK can now further reveal that at the beginning of September Colorific! will relocate to the Allsport offices in Collier’s Wood, while Colorific! offshoot Planet Earth will go to Stone in Camden Town, moves which will lead to a number of picture staff redundancies.
In response to enquiries, Getty have released a statement that they “are undergoing office consolidations, organisational re-structuring and other changes designed to eliminate existing areas of duplication and overlap in our company.” Getty decined to comment on the nature or scale of the redundancies, but EPUK has learned that they affect staff throughout Colorific!, including at the highest levels.
Sources close to Colorific! say the intention is that the agency will benefit from Allsport’s investment in high technology picture delivery and by gaining access to the latter’s client base. However, concern is being expressed that Colorific!’s reproduction fee structure will be lowered to bring it into line with Allsport’s. Colorific! have been known in the past for their ability to command higher than average fees for their contributors’ material. There are fears that while Colorific!’s client base may widen, any lowering of fees will lead to a reduction in contributors’ earnings.
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