EPUK Editorial Photographers United Kingdom and Ireland. The private mailing list and public resource for editorial photographers

'Amazon Footprints' exhibition

Amazon Footprints, a fundraising photographic exhibition by Merseyside photographer and EPUK member Colin McPherson, is to open on the 28th May at Elude in Liverpool.

The exhbition shows life on Brazil’s Highway 163, a 1000-mile long dusty strip of road next to the mighty river Tapajós, which has become the frontline in the battle to save the Amazon rainforest from exploitation and destruction by loggers, cattle ranchers, soy farmers and multinational companies.

Money raised from the show will go directly to a project to help a community of ‘riberinhos’ (river dwellers) to maintain their sustainable way of life.

The exhibition is also available for viewing online at www.colinmcpherson.co.uk where you can see all the images in the show and buy signed prints. All the money raised by print sales will go directly to the purchasing of a boat for school pupils in the Amazonian village of Nova Sociedade.

Wirral-based Colin McPherson’s images in the Amazon Footprints exhibition were taken at the end of 2005. The opportunity to travel to the Amazon was supported by Howies, Cardigan Bay’s third largest clothing company who have taken an active interest in the fate of the Amazon and in Colin’s work.

McPherson said: “I am delighted to be able to exhibit my photographs at Elude and have the opportunity to raise some much-needed money for a threatened community.”

EPUK is discussing:

Copyright infringements abroad and how to manage themCOVID-19 and photographyEPUK Members Lockdown ShowcasePhotographing in public places - where/when/is it allowed?

What is EPUK?

EPUK is an email group for professional editorial photographers who want to talk business. We don’t do techie stuff or in-crowd gossip. We don’t talk cameras or computers. What we talk about are the nuts and bolts of being in business - like copyright, licensing, fees and insurance.

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