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DRR: Mauzy replaces Nisselson

Digital Railroad (DRR) founder Evan Nisselson has stepped down as the company’s CEO. The post will be taken over by current DRR president Charles Mauzy, with Nisselson continuing as company chairman.

Digital Railroad (DRR) founder Evan Nisselson has stepped down as the company’s CEO. The post will be taken over by current DRR president Charles Mauzy, with Nisselson continuing as company chairman.

Writing in the company blog, Nisselson posts: “Today we are entering a new chapter and I am honored to move all business and operational responsibilities to Charles Mauzy.”

Digital Railroad, which provides professional photographers with an online presence where they can supply and sell their work, was founded in 2003 by Nisselson, a former photographer and picture editor who has extensive experience within technology companies.

Mauzy is a former natural history and wildlife photographer who worked in management roles at Eyewire, Allstock, Corbis, Altamira and Microsoft.

“Charles and I had envisioned when he started two years ago that at some point he would take the leadership baton” writes Nisselson. “Our combined vision to build a great team to help improve the photo industry for photographers, agencies and buyers worldwide was in sync – and is still in sync.”

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