EPUK Editorial Photographers United Kingdom and Ireland. The private mailing list and public resource for editorial photographers

Lawyers Film Paps

Lawyers for Kate Middleton have secretly filmed the activities of the paparazzi to support any harassment complaint by Prince William’s girlfriend reports the Daily Telegraph.

“Disturbing” footage has apparently been obtained outside Miss Middleton’s home and office and when she arrives and leaves restaurants and nightclubs alone or with the prince.

The Prince of Wales and his eldest son both agreed to the tactic by their lawyers Harbottle & Lewis at the height of the media frenzy surrounding Miss Middleton.

The Daily Telegraph says it has obtained a copy of a letter from Harbottle & Lewis to the Press Complaints Commission, which warns that any further breach of Miss Middleton’s privacy will lead to an automatic complaint under the industry’s harassment code.

Since fears for Miss Middleton’s safety were raised by the lawyers to the police the number of photographers outside her home each morning has fallen from up to 14 to two.

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Copyright infringements abroad and how to manage themCOVID-19 and photographyEPUK Members Lockdown ShowcasePhotographing in public places - where/when/is it allowed?

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EPUK is an email group for professional editorial photographers who want to talk business. We don’t do techie stuff or in-crowd gossip. We don’t talk cameras or computers. What we talk about are the nuts and bolts of being in business - like copyright, licensing, fees and insurance.

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